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Time Management Tips

Everyone can use time management tips to use his or her time more wisely. Developing these skills can be easy and should not add extra stress to your life. Everyone is different and everyone has theiir own lifestyle and personal preferences.

When you have decided to start your own business, it might be the perfect time to get organized and brush up on your time management skills! Take time to evaluate how you want your daily business and personal life to run. Think about the steps it will take to reach your goals and lead a productive, happy life.

Here are some time management tips to get you on your way…

* Start with a good old pad of paper and pen. Make a Master "to do" List.Break it up into daily and weekly tasks. Include everything-work tasks,personal obligations, errands, etc.

* Prioritize your list. Choose the right task for the right moment when prioritizing.

* It never hurts to clean up and clean out. You will feel so much better when you de-clutter!

* Consider using a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Many come with reminder capability. They keep appointments, phone numbers and tons of programs at your fingertips.

* Set short-term and long-term goals for yourself. Prioritize your goals. Be very specific. Set time limits. If goals are large ones, break them up into smaller more attainable goals.

* Realize how much time it takes you to do certain tasks, so you're not wasting valuable time.

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* Delegate tasks whenever and wherever you can. If someone else can do the job, let them.

* Use small chunks of time wisely. If you are waiting somewhere, use that time to write out bills, make calls, check your lists, or catch up on personal or business reading. Wherever you can, multitask. Throw out junk mail while on a call, you get the picture!

* If you have a busy family, keep a Master Family Calendar.

* If you prefer, color-code everything. Your calendar, the family's calendar, priorities, could be improved with a color-coding system.

* Confirm any and all appointments you make. This could be a huge timesaver.

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* Avoid distractions as much as possible. Make sure friends and family members are aware of your "work time". Use your answering machine to field calls.

* Choose personal activities wisely. Don't overbook yourself and your family members. This can add stress to an already busy schedule.

Remember, this is your life and your plan. Do what makes you comfortable and do what works for you. Find the time management techniques that fit you. There are many websites and books available on the subject of time management.