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Kids and Teens Making Money

Kids and teens love to make money, whether it's for clothes or video games or to save for a car. Help instill an entrepreneurial spirit in your children. Teach your kids and teens about money and about starting their own business.

A great way to give them a head start is with "Rich Dad Poor Dad's" cash flow game. Robert Kiyosaki's money philosophy can teach you and your kids how to break free from the rat race. After reading many of his books, I see money in such a different way, like a lightbulb has gone off in my head.

Here are some good ways for kids and teens to make money:


*Yard work/lawn mowing

*Newspaper delivery


*Sports lessons

*Garage sales

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*Chores around the house or a neighbor's house

*Car washing

*Pet sitting

*Dog walking

*Make something and sell it to neighbors

*Mother's helper

*Sell items on Ebay

*Start your own website! It could be about cars, dancing, music or almost anything. Yes even kids and teens can do it!

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Tips for Kids and Teens:

1.Print business cards for your new venture right off your computer.

2.Check state laws regarding hours you can work.

3.Give your customers great service. Go the extra mile.